Friday, February 6, 2009

An update!

I am finally getting some good news. My physical therapist has given me the go ahead to start my training for the San Diego Marathon. I am so relieved. Not getting out to run (other than on the treadmill in the therapists office) was driving me crazy. I went out yesterday and today, everything felt pretty good with minimal soreness in my hip area.
I have lost a good amount of fitness but feel good that soon I will be able to regain my fitness and can start cranking out multiple 10 milers in succession. I am also going to be sure to keep doing core work throughout my training. It is hard to realize that you are getting older and need to do more preventative stuff, but that is life.
I am a bit worried about using the Hanson’s training plan when not totally fit, but as long as I stick to the beginner program I think that I will be alright.
I am excited to go back to San Diego for a week or two. I love staying at Humphreys and utilizing the poolside bar the night after the marathon. Great fun!

Speaking of getting older, did you see this story?
translated and edited by Brett Larner

At the 58th Beppu-Oita Mainichi Marathon on Feb. 1, the oldest runner to ever qualify for the race, 60 year-old Yoshihisa Hosaka, (Shizuoka Track and Field AC), turned back the years with a run of sparkling brilliance. Finishing 89th overall in 2:36:30, Hosaka broke the existing 60+ world record by 1 minute and 45 seconds. He was smiling broadly at his astounding achievement as he reached the finish line.

Hosaka began running at age 36 when he joined a friend's ekiden team. At age 42 he won his first race at a local event in his hometown. For his first marathon he ran the popular Honolulu Marathon, where he ran a superb 2:31:19. Finding a deep joy in running, Hosaka had by the end of 2008 completed 70 marathons. To get ready to attack the world record in his first race as a 60 year-old Hosaka trained 30 km per day.

On race day, word of Hosaka's attempt on the world record spread along the course after TV coverage showed him smiling and giving an enthusiastic OK sign to the cameras in the first 10 km of the race. As he ran voices called out encouragement and urged him on to the record. At the 27 km point the large crowd of marathon fans gathered in front of the Oita Prefectural Police Headquarters hung banners of support for Hosaka and grew raucous as he drew near. Suffering from an inury to his right calf which flared up just before the race Hosaka was not feeling 100%, but, he said, "The cheering along the course was so incredible that I got goosebumps as I was running. It was what kept me going."

After 35 km a pack of runners surrounded Hosaka and pulled him along. When he dropped behind other runners soon came along and likewise gave him their support, telling him, "Hosaka, let's go!" and "Come on, let's do it!" as they ran together.

His 42.195 km in Beppu-Oita were full of bitter pain, but as always for Hosaka it was in the end simply fun. When he returned to the stadium for the race's final 400 m he was visibly unsteady on his feet but he continued forward to the goal line with every bit of effort in his body. The LED display of the finish clocks counted out a silent testimony for all to see as Hosaka crossed the line with his fists raised in the air, shouting out, "I did it!" His fellow amateur runners surrounded him in disbelief, cheering and calling out their congratulations in warmhearted camaraderie. Deeply moved by the efforts of spectators and fellow runners alike to help him reach his target, Hosaka was thankful as he said, "It was the best. There is no other amateur runner anywhere as happy as I am."

Pending ratification of his mark by the World Masters Athletics association, Hosaka's time will become the official new world record. The WMA recognizes records in five-year age-group categories. "When I hit 65 maybe I'll try for that record next," laughed Hosaka. "How old can I go? I'm going to keep running as long as I can."

Translator's note: Averaging the results of various age-grading tables, Hosaka's run is an age-graded equivalent to 2:07:35. His Beppu-Oita splits are available here. His halfway split of 1:16:52, age-graded, is equivalent to 1:01:59 and was run into a strong headwind which caused the lead pack to lose around one minute from their target pace between 11 km and halfway. The previous record holder was Italian Luciano Aquarone, whose time of 2:38:15 had stood since 1991.

From Brett’s Japan Running News Site

I would be ecstatic with those times at my age, let alone at 60.

Have you looked at running shoes lately? If you haven’t noticed the current market of running shoes has reached and is way over the $100 mark. From what I understand this is due to the global economic situation and there is no going back unless cheaper but effective technologies are found and implemented (the Asics rice husk shoes came to mind but they were more expensive to manufacture than the regular shoes). I remember a few years ago getting brand new Mizunos from Holabird for somewhere in the $60 range. Not anymore.

I have been searching EBay for a good price on a pair of Gel Kinetic 2’s. I got a pair at Footlocker on clearance for $49.99 ($165.00 retail). They had to search their inventory system to find me a pair in my size in California which was shipped to me. Now I really like the fit and comfort of the shoe but it is discontinued and they can no longer order them for me. What happened to the pairs that were left across the country?

There are some on EBay for $99 but I don’t want to pay that much. I also have an almost brand new pair of Saucony Progrid Paramounts, but was hoping to save them or the Kinetics as my race shoes. I guess I can get a few more miles out of the other older shoes in my rotation.

I have missed several local races including the Runners Den 10K, Lost Dutchman, and some other road races. Now that I am getting back into it I will try to keep a current list of local upcoming races.

I am still waiting for my Yoga for Runners book, I will review it once it comes in. Until then I still use the Yogamazing podcasts.

Until next time, keep the rubber on the pavement.

Now playing on iTunes: Kutless - Your Touch
via FoxyTunes