Wednesday, February 18, 2009

$171 marathon?

So I am looking around today and see that the registration fee for the NYC Marathon for a non-NYRR member is $171. I'm sorry, let me repeat that. $171 USD to run a marathon. I know that NYC has a strong tradition and it is a world marathon major and all that, but come on now. In case the race directors dont know there is a bit of an economic problem in this Country right now. I was thinking that most marathons would stay around the $100 mark for some time with more for late registrations, but this is insane. I like how they try to justify it by providing a list of what you get for your hard earned jack. Here are some gems: Entry to the ING New York City Marathon 2009 including hydration and fueling stations, medical support, entertainment, baggage handling, security, the most enthusiastic spectators anywhere, and more. Umm...okay. Then there is this: ING New York City Marathon Health and Fitness Expo. Isnt this open to the public?
ALright, next? Fireworks Presented by Poland Spring. Only the paying runners can see these?

Next...Finisher area where marathoners exit after the race. Isn't that handy.

Not included in their list is the $35 fee for your timing chip, and $11 registration fee. If you aint from here expect to pay $231 (plus above fees) to run it.

Wow, so for all that money you get what every other marathon provides, except being able to say that you ran NYC. I think that in the next few years many smaller local type races will flourish as people can not afford to travel across country and pay a huge race fee. I am doing San Diego again this May 31st, and for us that will be pushing what we can spend. I guess that I need to take into account that we will be staying there between 7 and 14 days, but still.

What do you all think?

Now playing on iTunes: Lupe Fiasco - Superstar (feat. Matthew Santos)
via FoxyTunes


Unknown said...

I think you are crazy for listening to Lupe Fiasco!!

RunFar Az said...

You could be right. I never know what is coming up next when I have shuffle on I-Tunes going. It could have been worse. Like John Denver or Barry Manilow. At least Lupe has a good beat and is catchy!