Thursday, April 2, 2009

Today's training

Today I got in 7 miles at marathon pace. It was 83 degrees and windy, overall not too bad, except my schedule called for 8 miles. I needed to get home and pick up my daughter from Drama club practice.

The rest of the week is:
Friday 5 or 6 miles
Saturday 8 or 10
Sunday 10 (recovery week after 15 last Sunday)
Monday 5 or 8
Tuesday speed work
Wednesday REST!

I am a bit miffed by the Jay Cutler trade, I didnt think he would go anywhere. Kinda upset, kinda happy. Time will tell.

Now playing on iTunes: U2 - Breathe
via FoxyTunes

Now playing on iTunes: U2 - Cedars Of Lebanon
via FoxyTunes